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The Apartment Selector Process Phoenix Phoenix apartments for rent
Additional Services: AZ Dental insurance plan
Free Phoenix Apartment Finding and Locating Rental Service
Phoenix apartments for rent.
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Please call or email us your information. Phoenix and surrounding cities have hundreds of apartment communities and our professionals spend their time knowing the market to save you time and money by finding the perfect apartment for you.
Phoenix Phoenix AZ
a. Major Streets
The great highway system in Phoenix makes getting anywhere in town a breeze! You can take the I-17 North and South. The 101 Loop goes around the whole city. You can see howthe highway system works here, Phoenix, AZ
b. Major Shopping
Arizona Center
Located in the heart of downtown Phoenix,the Arizona Center is an open-air oasis ofdining, shopping, ponds and gardens in aunique urban setting. Go to any major city's downtown area and you'll find one spot that seems to give the whole place its power.It's electricity. In Phoenix, that place is Arizona Center. Here you’ll find greatPhoenix dining, unique shopping at a varietyof specialty retailers and above all, beautifulgardens to enjoy.
Just minutes from Sky Harbor airport, ArizonaCenter is centrally located to downtown hotels,the Phoenix Civic Plaza and is within walkingdistance of all of downtown’s major attractions.
Biltmore Fashion Park
Biltmore Fashion Park is one of Arizona’spremier specialty shopping and
dining destinations set in an appealing open-airenvironment with resort
quality landscaping and architecture.
Anchored by Macy's and the state’s only SaksFifth Avenue, Biltmore Fashion Park offersa selection of retail and restaurants includingHyde Park Jewelers, Escada, Brooks Brothers,Ralph Lauren, as well as James Beard awardwinningChef Christopher Gross’ Christopher’s Restaurantand Crush Lounge, True Food Kitchen, ZinburgerWine & Burger Bar and Stingray Sushi.
c. Major Colleges
Arizona State University Website
Arizona State University is a New AmericanUniversity, designed to address the greatestchallenges before us. They are local challenges— and they are global. They involve educationalsuccess, individual and community opportunity,the environment and our health, scientificand technological progress, social justiceand human worth.
ASU teaching and research have purpose andimpact, changing the way we see the worldand solve complex problems. We encouragecollaboration with public and private partnersand empower our students to think big, dreamand achieve. We pursue creative and scientificsolutions, ask foundational questions, welcomerisk and innovation.
Assuming a fundamental responsibility forthe economic, social and cultural well-beingof the community, ASU provides the knowledge,discovery and creativity to help solve thechallenges we face and build a better future.
University of Arizona Website
As a public research university serving thediverse citizens of Arizona and beyond, themission of the University of Arizona is toprovide a comprehensive, high-quality educationthat engages our students in discovery throughresearch and broad-based scholarship. Weaim to empower our graduates to be leadersin solving complex societal problems. Whetherin teaching, research, outreach or studentengagement, access and quality are the definingattributes of the University of Arizona’smission.
Glendale Community College Website
Glendale Community College has played a significantrole in the development of our surroundingcommunities since our dedication in 1965.Last year, more than 32,000 students enrolledin a wide variety of degree and certificateprograms on their way to achieving personalgoals that are as diverse as the people weserve. From learning more on a particularsubject to earning a degree or certificateto preparing for a new career or transferto a university, GCC students are hard atwork, making life happen.
d. School District
There are many school districts in Phoenix,defined by boundaries.
Personal service from a trained, professional agent.
On-line access to a list of apartments matching your criteria and prepared by your local apartment locator.
Personalized follow-up to be sure the information on vacancies matches your price range, location and size needs including a 2nd Look presentation to add more choices or to present a new area.
Our presentation includes information on availability, rent reduction specials and move in specials.
One more point: We originated the apartment locating industry in 1959. We take pride in our tradition of serving renters, just like yourself, in finding their next apartment home. Our history is one of working one-on-one for each prospective renter. People lease apartments not computers or email list, we know the difference and we make a difference in your rental experience. Apartment Selector locators are ready to help you today. We hope to always serve your home finding needs. We save you time- Vacancy searching can require hours of phone calling or knocking on doors. We save you money- Driving to the wrong communities takes your gas. The day before you visit be sure to contact your leasing specialist so they can update prices, specials and availabilities. What we do, is save you time and money. We search our database for the communities matched to your needs. You review the initial selections on line. We can adjust the list based on your comments. You visit communities that are matched to your criteria, that is how we save you time and money. Please advise the on-site leasing team that Apartment Selector is the source (how you learned about the community).
Nationwide, Phoenix, Apartments, Cities, Colleges, Employers, Hospitals, Hotels, Neigborhoods, Schools, Transit,
Additional Services: AZ Dental insurance plan
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